Director:Ganit Orian
Actors:Amiram Eini, Anna Velikovsky, Roman Gershkovich, Michael Lerner, Katya Kossoy, Polina Haritonski
Israel | 2014 | Hebrew (English subtitles) | 80min

Monday 15.9, 20:30 - 21:40 | Hall 2

In a world where some of us use the help of a computer to find a partner, wouldn’t it be easier if the computer found us that perfect partner all by itself? Instead of going on countless, useless dates, at the click of a button and in a matter of seconds it will allow us to know who our soulmate is. That is exactly what Dr. Sergei Razumihin is asked to invent by a Russian oligarch. Razumihin tests his program on a few humans, who do fall in love, but not with the ones that were meant for them.